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sealife centre
The Sealife Centre in Birmingham stocked our plush otter as part of their Sea Otter Experience. In a UK first, two rescued Alaskan Sea Otters were moved to their brand new marine facility. Members of the public are able to meet Ozzy & Ola, learn about conservation & see what goes on behind the scenes! We were thrilled that our Sea Otter toy was selected to be a part of this exciting project.
Many other items from our Zappi co. marine plush selection are well stocked in the gift shop, & having seen our new plush cube creation for a zoo, the Sealife Centre thought it would be a perfect way to store & display some of the smaller items.
The plush cube is designed with four sections and porthole style windows to see the toys inside. With specially designed decal decorations on the outside, it fits perfectly in the marine themed gift shop!