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Unlike football, merchandise isn’t heavily featured in cricket with the only exception being replica shirts. Our challenge with The Birmingham Bears T20 team was create an entire range of non-replica merchandise, giving The Bears a marketable cricket brand in their own right. The brief included everything from keyrings to clothing, and the deadline was tight.
In some ways it's easier when you control the whole brand; packaging can be consistent, approvals are quicker and the product story can be told in store. Due to the nature of this being Birmingham Bears' first big order, they only wanted low MOQs to test the water, which was a real challenge over a huge range of products. However, through our long term factory relationships we managed to achieve this.
The finished range looked great, was delivered on time and received great feedback from the staff, rival cricket clubs and the end customers. We achieved our objective to make Birmingham Bears the leaders in cricket merchandise and since then several other T20 cricket clubs have followed suit.